Welcome to The Curley Creek Volunteer Fire District Website! We are a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 509(a)(2) formed for the good of the public: Our neighbors (the local residents), landowners and businesses, visitors, and travelers to our district. Our fire protection district includes the land in Boundary Country, Idaho, east of the Moyie River to the Montana border and north of the Kootenai River to the North Section line of Section 25 T63N R2E, approximately 45 square miles. We also provide assistants outside of our district to local, state, and federal fire agencies and other public safety agencies.
Our Mission: We, the members of Curley Creek Volunteer Fire District, dedicate our efforts to provide for the safety and welfare of the public through preservation of life, property, and the environment.
CCVFD District Map
Bylaws update approved by members at the CCVFD annual meeting held at the Curley Creek Hall, 7155 Old Hwy 2 loop, on May 25th 2024! Updated CCVFD Bylaws Approved 5-25-24
EMS Assists | MVA and Road Hazards | Fires | Smoke/Hazard Checks | Total 2024 |
34 | 14 | 5 | 1 | 54 |
Get a permit online: burnpermits.idaho.gov
Or call for Boundary County: 208-267-5577
More information can be found from the CDA INTERAGENCY DISPATCH CENTER
Help us Help You and Others! We need your support!
Become a member: If you own property within the fire district you can be a member! If not we also need donations! Some people go above and beyond, providing generous donations along with their yearly memberships! Thank You for your support. We could not cover the expenses without your help!
If you live in the area please consider volunteering for our organization! There are many ways to help! Including working with the auxiliary to help with fundraisers and events! We also need people to help with things like mailings, new letters, email lists, grants, equipment, trucks, buildings, maintenance, and much more! It could be as simple as telling people about our fire district and encouraging your neighbors to become yearly members.
Answer The Call! We need people that are willing to train to become Firefighters and help respond to Fires, Emergency Medical calls, Traffic Accidents, and other emergency situations as part of a team! We provide the Friendship, Training, and Equipment!
Contact Us: ask questions, join the email list or Facebook Page, become a member or firefighter, or mail us a donation!😀